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School of Building Construction Chair Search 2025
The School of Building Construction is hiring a new Chair. Dean Ellen Bassett convened a committee to lead the search, chaired by Gulsah Akar, Professor and Chair of School of City and Regional Planning. Interested parties were encouraged to submit application materials by November 1, 2024. The position description and application instructions can be reviewed here. The search committee reviewed applications and selected four finalists to visit our campus and give presentations about their vision for the School.
Finalist visits will occur on the following dates, with each candidate giving their seminar at 11:00am on the first date of the visit.
As faculty and staff of the College of Design, you are invited to attend these presentations and give feedback about the candidates.
Two days prior to each visit, the buttons below will link to a candidate page that includes their bio, cover letter, CV, and a link to a feedback questionnaire. The search committee encourages your engagement and welcomes your input through the Qualtrics questionnaire.
Please feel free to share any additional input about the search with the Search Chair ( ).
The search committee for the School of Building Construction Chair:
Search Chair: Gulsah Akar, Professor and Chair of School of City and Regional Planning
Eunhwa Yang, Associate Professor, School of Building Construction
Rick Porter, Professor of Practice, School of Building Construction
Eric Marks, Professor of Practice, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kelly Smith, Director of Development, College of Design
Chad Waters, Regional Preconstruction Director, Brasfield & Gorrie, L.L.C.